Art is ..a good platform for these young people because through art they could really become change makers … because if they see something happening that they don't agree with they will speak out. And even at home they have strength to stand up and ask for the rights as boys and girls as young people. So this is a process, a complete process and it is like Handala [the iconic character of Palestinian resistance, a refugee child] because Handala is asking for his rights, Handals is striving for change all the time, Handals is turning his back but is looking at the scene, he’s looking at Palestine, he’s seeing, he knows what’s going on, he follows what's going on but he’s turning his back to the world because the world has turned its back to him.
I believe at this moment what Gaza needs - especially when the attack stops on Gaza - everybody needs healing children grown ups men women because the atrocities of war not only leave destruction on ground buildings schools hospitals but the main destruction is going to be on souls of the people on their psychology on their balance … so what is needed is for internationals and locals to go to Gaza, to work with the people, to volunteer, to open up centers, to try and help children and adults..because everyone has lost a loved one, everyone had lost a house or a neighbor a relative.. And I want healing through art and theater - that’s the only way the only productive way…, it's healing by doing art, by raising voices, writing poetry, stories, monologues, whatever doing films - all of Gaza needs this healing…
To share your message for Gaza, visit Words for Gaza on youtube
To help friends of Ashtar Theatre who have lost homes and family in Gaza, please email [email protected]
To help friends of Ashtar Theatre who have lost homes and family in Gaza, please email [email protected]