The message I send is just a few words - really to describe all I feel would take pages and pages – but these are just a few words because the world might not know about our lives, Palestinian people, and the lives of Gaza’s innocent children whose rights are few and even those few rights are being violated. They lost their childhood when they were born. They were born for death, not life. They are not like other children in the world. They are deprived of freedom and security. We do not ask to be like the other children of the world. We ask only to live in peace and safety and a little bit of freedom and to be away from oppression.
- Thank you. Mahmoud Al-Turk, son of Palestine.
- Thank you. Mahmoud Al-Turk, son of Palestine.
رسالتي التي كتبتها قليلاً من كلاماً لا يكفيه صفحاتً وصفحات .. فقد لأعرف العالم عن حياتنا التي يعيشها الشعب الفلسطيني .... وحياة اطفال غزة الابرياء الذين ينتهكون من حقوقهم القلية .. وخاسرين طفولتهم منذ ولادتهم ... خلقوا من اجل الموت لا من اجل الحياة ،، محرومين القليل من الحرية والامان مثل اطفال العالم نحن لا نطلب ان نكون مثل اطفال العالم ،،،نحن نطالب ان نعيش بأمان وسلام والقليل من الحرية والابتعاد عن الاطهاد...... وشكراً ابن فلسطين ( محمود الترك)
To share your message for Gaza, visit Ashtar Theatre's Words for Gaza campaign on youtube. To help friends of Ashtar Theatre who have lost homes and family to the 2014 Israeli bombing of Gaza, please email [email protected]